The Cabaret Performances are open to all troupes and offers the opportunity for students to perform theatrical-based acts. Monologues, scenes, mimes, singing, and dancing are examples.
1. The time limit is 5 minutes total per troupe. However, troupes with 25 or more students may add an additional 5 minutes for a maximum of 10 minutes.
2. Each troupe may use their “minutes” any way they choose (Example: One 3 minute song and one 2 minute monologue).
3. There are limited spaces for Cabaret acts. The spaces will be filled on a “first-come, first-serve base” until all Cabaret spaces are occupied. Due to time restraints, it may not be possible for all submitted Cabaret acts to perform.
4. Acts are performed during lunch or dinner in a non-traditional stage setting.
5. Performances should be well-rehearsed and material should be in good taste.
6. Selections may not contain nudity, overt sexual gestures or simulated acts, repetitive foul language, slurs (see anti-discrimination policy)
7. No lip sync acts are permitted.
7. Student performers must check in with the cabaret coordinator at registration to confirm their performance.
8. Student performers should report to the sound technician prior to the start time of cabaret to discuss music/set up. Music may come from smartphones, iPods, laptops or CD. Please supply aux cords/converters. For portable devices: music should be properly downloaded and cued up. La Thespians is not responsible for the loss or malfunction of devices. For CDs: CD must be labeled with the school name, performer(s) and the name of the act.
9. The troupe director is responsible for the content of their student’s acts and must review all acts prior to attending the Festival.
10. No changes (additions or substitutions) are allowed after the deadline.
11. TBA’s are not accepted.
12. Troupes may be penalized if cabaret acts do not meet La. Thespian Performance Standards. Troupes that violate any Cabaret Guidelines will not be allowed to participate in the Cabaret Performances the following year.