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Louisiana State Thespians has seven (7) State Thespian Officer positions to be elected at the State Festival. it is not necessary for all 7 positions to be filled. These 7 students are the student leaders for Louisiana Thespians. The Stte Thespian Officers provide ideas, suggestions and advice to the Adult Board. It does not have voting privileges with the Adult Board. The Festival Chairperson serves as the Adult Advisor. 



1. Attend ALL State Board Meetings with the Adult Board and Chapter Director. Meetings are generally held in October, April, and at the Festival. Travel & Food expenses must be incurred by the individual student. Louisiana Thespians does not pay expenses.

2. Assist with the design of the State Festival theme, logo and t-shirt.

3. Assist with the planning of the State Festival.

4. Attend and take an active role in conducting the State Festival.

5. Conduct the Leadership Seminar at State Festival. The Seminar is designed and led by the State Thespian Chair and the International Thespian Rep.

6. Coordinate other theatre activities for State Thespians to attend.

7. Communicate with the Festival Chairperson and Chapter Director.

8. Be a role model for other Louisiana Thespians.

9. Promote ITS/Louisiana Thespians and the ideas for which it stands.



Each troupe may nominate one candidate for election of the State Thespian Officers. In order to be a candidate for the State Thespian Officers, a student must meet the following qualifications: ​

1. Be in his/her sophomore or junior year in high school.

2. Be registered with EdTA as a Thespian in good standing with Louisiana Thespians

3. Be an active member and in good standing with their troupe.

4. Be able to attend both State Board Meetings.

5. Have transportation to both State Board Meetings.

6. Must attend the State Festival and Leadership Seminar.

7. Parents, Chapter Director & Principal must sign the Candidate Permission Form. Parents understand that travel may be required. 

8. Complete the Student Board Information Form.

9. Prepare a typed 200 word essay briefly describing the candidate's theatre background and reasons the candidate would like to serve on the Student Board.

10. Prepare a 2 minute maximum video explaining why they would like to serve as a State Thespian Officer.


If any required information is not received by the deadline, the student will be disqualified. 



1. Elections will be held via google form prior to TNL. 

2. Each active troupe voting is given 1 vote to select 7 State Thespian Officers.

3. A State Thespian Officer Chairperson is elected each year, with the exception of a Chairperson who served the previous year as Chairperson, would continue as Chairperson for the new term.

4. The past State Thespian Officers will vote for a Chairperson from the newly elected State Thespian Officers.

5. The State Thespian Officer receiving the 2nd largest number of votes from the past State Thespian Officers will be declared Co-Chairperson. Co-Chairpersons do not proceed to Chairperson automatically the following year.


Terms for newly elected members of the State Thespian Officers begin on the Monday following the State Festival and last exactly one year.


Any State Thespian Officer who fails to attend State Board meetings or uphold the listed Duties of the STO will result in removal from the State Thespian Officers by the Festival Chair or Chapter Director.





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